The spaced repetition algorithm was discovered by researchers of human learning in the last century. They found out that you have to repeat concepts you've learned with increasing intervals. With each active repetition your memory becomes deeper and lasts longer. After just a few repetitions your memory can last for years.
On the contrary, traditional education makes you cram before exams. Once you've passed your exams they won't remind you to review what you've learned. No wonder we remember so little after years!
And it starts to work since day 1. The next day you'll remember what you've learned yesterday better. You'll have more confidence to build up on that knowledge.
Our new medium for learning looks similar to good old online courses. But we also added test questions throughout the courses. Answer a question once and we'll add it to your repetitions queue. At the optimal time we'll remind you to review it again.
Creating courses is as simple as taking a note. Actually you can use it exactly for that. Make study notes with test questions and don't worry about forgetting.