"How to remember anything forever-ish" (a beautiful interactive presentation) ncase.me
"Spaced Repetition" gwern.net
"Boost Your Study Strategy With Retrieval and Distributed Practice" psychologicalscience.org
"Augmenting Long-term Memory" augmentingcognition.com
"Everything I Know: Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for Anki" senrigan.io
"Memorizing a programming language using spaced repetition software" sivers.org
"Why books don’t work" andymatuschak.org
Karpicke, Jeffrey D., and Janell R. Blunt. "Retrieval practice produces more learning than elaborative studying with concept mapping." Science 331.6018 (2011): 772-775. Link
Spitzer, H. F. (1939). Studies in retention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 30, 641–657. Link
Melton, A. W. (1970). The situation with respect to the spacing of repetitions and memory. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 9, 596–606. Link
Cull, W. L. (2000). Untangling the benefits of multiple study opportunities and repeated testing for cued recall. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 14, 215–235. Link
Pimsleur, Paul (February 1967). "A Memory Schedule". The Modern Language Journal. Blackwell Publishing. 51 (2): 73–75 Link
Dempster, F. N. (1988). "The Spacing Effect: A Case Study in the Failure to Apply the Results of Psychological Research". American Psychologist, 43(8), 627-634. Link
“Factors that Influence Skill Decay And Retention: a Quantitative Review and Analysis”, Arthur et al 1998 Link